Coiled Mats Progression, Step 1

I've been really enjoying busting my stash of fabric scraps to make these coiled mats. I have a tendency to jump in over my head when I'm learning something new, rather than starting with simple and progressing. With the coiled mats, I've been making an effort to become proficient at one stage before moving on to another.

I started with the basic circle. These have been very well received online on Etsy and locally as well. I can't seem to keep any rainbows or green ones in stock!

I could probably just make rainbows and green mats all day, and they'd get snapped up! But no, I want to progress, and so I tried ovals next. They're a little trickier to get started and the ones I've made are about twice the size of the circles, so they take me twice as long to make.

I think I'm pretty good at these now too! What do you think I tried next?


  1. I love your mats! Great work!

  2. : ) I bought one : )))
    but you already know that.

  3. Thanks Alicia and Monika! You guys are awesome supporters!

  4. Oh my goodness, those are gorgeous! I can see why they're popular!

  5. Please, I would like to know how to to this beautiful and perfect strips before seewing. I would like to learn how do this beautiful work!!
    My email is congratulations. I am talking from brasil!!! Best wishes!!!

    1. Hi Criss, thanks for stopping by! I don't have any tutorials on my blog, but I'm sure if you did a google search you would find some for how to make these. Good luck!


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