Craft Fair Table Mock-up

It's still a work in progress; I've got a few more signs up with prices, baskets filled and spare boxes removed, but this is basically what my table will look like at the craft fair tomorrow.

It seems a bit busy to me--I don't know if there is too  much out. It's hard to tell in my basement vs. in the large hall with other crafters. Is it a good idea to mix the paper and fabric products? This isn't even everything--extra stock will be under the table until other items sell! This is going to be a huge learning experience for me, and I'll just go with the flow. I don't want to be too much of a perfectionist with my first show even though I'm sure there are things I could do better.

And if you are in Winnipeg, please stop by:


  1. Laura your table display looks AMAZING! I think your going to do really well. I just want to pick everything up! Good luck tomorrow!!!

  2. Thanks Erica! I hope it looks even better in person!


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