Apple Harvest

It's that time of year again! The apples were starting to fall from the tree, so that's my cue that it's time to pick this year's crop.

We gave our tree a good pruning last spring, so the harvest wasn't as bountiful as last year, but I think the quality will be better. For some reason, after a few weeks in storage, last year's crop turned mushy (in previous years we've been able to store them for months!).

Home grown apples are not perfect in shape, sometimes there are a few worms, sometimes birds have reached them before you, but once in awhile you pick the perfect apple. Not a blemish, and absolutely delicious!

Here's our harvest this year, soon to be turned into juice and pie filling! What are your favourite apple recipes? I'd love it if you would share them with me!

With the season, come the wasps too! Our trap is so busy--we empty it every day right now! Homemade apple juice really attracts them...


  1. yummy! my parents have the same type of apple tree and we brought back a big box of apples on the weekend
    so far we have made apple crisp, but we also love platz and stohlen!

  2. lucky you! believe it or not, around here, hardly anyone was able to grow apples this year. I think it had something to do with the chilly spring- I remember seeing a few blossoms but not as many as last years. There was also a shortage of bees (and wasps) this year. I think I had 3 apples on my tree and by the time they were ready, the birds got them!

    Last year, I peeled, cut and froze a bunch of apples. That was a nice way to save them for the future.

  3. That sounds delicious Ruth!

    Ashley, that's too bad. Our harvest has varied widely from year to year as well. One year we had less than a dozen apples. Sure glad it's not my source of income!

  4. Better, plums sound delicious! I wouldn't know the first thing about picking or storing walnuts though--but I'm sure they must be tastier than store-bought!

    The journals are my way of keeping a few unwanted books out of the landfill--and what an original journal they make!


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