
One day at work last week, I was bemoaning the fact to a coworker that I had not had time to pick and process all the apples on my tree. The crop was extremely abundant this year, so heavy that some of the branches needed propping up as the apples grew larger.

That day at work, it was starting to rain and the apples on my tree were so ripe that many would likely fall off in the rain and wind. When I returned home at the end of the day, this is the sight that awaited me:

While I was at work, my husband got the girls outside and they managed to pick all the apples before the rain began. I can't believe this was all from one tree! Actually, we picked a couple of buckets earlier to give away to friends and family, so there was even more!

It's helpful to be a little smaller to be able to climb up into the tree to those hard to reach spots!

Now I'm busy canning applesauce and juice, while my dh has made apple pie and muffins!


  1. oh lordy i'm on the beginning of this journey myself.. surfing the web for some good apple or zucchini recipes as we speak!

  2. what a lovely blush of pink your apples have! enjoy the bounty!

  3. what a gorgeous crop (and how fabulous that your loved ones did all the picking for you!!)! i have a feeling that you're going to be apple-busy for a while!! xox, :)))


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