T-shirt Yarn Rug Progress

I'm making progress on my T-shirt Yarn Rug! Right now it measures 69 cm (27"), and I realize that I forgot to measure it in my last updates.

I might be about halfway. I want it to be fairly large for my entrance, so visitors don't have to step off the rug before taking their boots off.

T-shirt count: 34.

Here's a close-up of the linen stitch I'm using. I've seen some pictures online of scarves using this stitch, and that might have to be a future project with all my yarn scraps!

I'm linking up to The Needle & Thread Network. Come see what other Canadian stitchers are up to:


  1. amazing! can't wait to see the finished product

  2. Rugs are another temptation. Yours is lovely!

  3. My goodness, you are creative! I love the rug! I've not seen the stich before.

  4. Wonderful use of t- shirts , wow this will be just perfect to catch those bits of dirt .

  5. Great idea!! See i am too busy; somehow I missed your post yesterday....lol

  6. Very inspiring, as I have lots of misprinted fabrics to crochet. I'll have to look up how to do linen stitch, does it stay nice and flat?

  7. The linen stitch is new to me. It's very effective in this project. Very nice!


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