We ♥ Moms!

The TransCanada Etsy Team loves Moms. Some of us are moms and all of us have mothers or mother figures in our lives. So in honour of the moms in our lives, we're having a special promotion.

Participating team members will share with you tales of Motherhood. Starting today, join us on the team blog everyday until April 21st as we hear from our members.

I'm offering a sale in both my shops, PrairiePeasant and PrairieThreads, to go with this promotion: 10% off with the coupon code MOTHER2011 entered at checkout.

Starting today, we are also offering a chance to win a $50 TransCanada Etsy Team gift certificate which you could use to treat your Mom to a wonderful handmade Mother's Day gift. The gift certificate will be valid in the following participating shops:

chicki and chickibeads
PrairiePeasant and PrairieThreads
RJ Charms
String Me Along

For a chance to enter simply make a purchase from any of the participating shops. You will earn a ballot for every $10 spent in a shop. Or you can enter without a purchase by telling us why you love your Mom or why you love being a Mom in the blog comments on our team blog.

This promotion will run from April 14th to the 21st.


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